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Happy Hats Day

The day Prince William and Kate Middleton exchanged vows was the day that I met the girl of my dreams. She wasn’t wearing a beautiful hat that day and she was actually in another country from where I was but it just so happened that we were watching the same wedding and talked about the people wearing beautiful hats through – lo and behold – yahoo messenger. (I don’t think anyone uses YM as much anymore if at all. Even I rarely use it nowadays)

She was every bit the type of girl who guys would kill for and I was lucky enough to have had the chance to get to know her better. We talked for a number of days while she was abroad and what started out as friendly conversations slowly developed itself into deeper emotions. I suddenly couldn’t stop thinking about her. I was getting crazy. I was falling in love.

Today, 2 years ago, was the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton        


They and their royal guests wore such beautiful (others weird) hats that day.




I decided there and then I had nothing to lose. I was gunning for it. I was ready to crash and burn. I would never have lived down not trying.

As I constantly reminded myself – No Guts, No Glory.

Fast forward to today, as we celebrate the anniversary that started our journey, I look back to the past and all the crazy emotions that I had within me. Time and time again, it was the best decision I have ever made. She has made my life so beautiful and made me into a better person.

All those crazy emotions? They’re still there. I get crazy sad and lonely when we fight and don’t talk. I get in the highest of highs even by your sweet words. I fall in love each and every day. You’re the girl of my wildest dreams and imaginations. I’m the luckiest guy in the world.

I love you more and more each day. Happy Happy Hats Day.


Categories: Life
  1. May 7, 2013 at 4:36 am

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